KidZcity colouring competition 2024

Will you become the next winner? This is how you can compete!

KidZcity colouring competition 2024

Join in on one of our monthly colouring competitions and you can win a great KidZcity surprise package. Take home a colouring page after you visit KidZcity. You can find them at the exit, as you prepare to go home. You can make it your own art piece at home. Make it as crazy and fun as you can, and be as creative as possible. (Psst… did you forget to take home a colouring page when you left? You can also print one at home after you download it here on our website) Click here to open our KidZcity competition colouring page, but don’t forget to fill in your details on the back when you’re done:

  • On what day did you create this masterpiece?
  • What is your full name?
  • How old are you?
  • What is your address?
  • What is the phone number of your guardian/parents?
  • You can send it to us, and be part of our monthly selection process.

When you have all the information ready:

Pop your colouring page into a big envelope. Stick a postmark on the envelope and send it to KidZcity. Alternatively, you can bring it along next time you come to play at KidZcity. After posting or handing in your colouring page, let your parent or guardian keep an eye on their emailbox because at the end of the month, you can expect an email from the Mayor of KidZcity. In this email, it will say whether you’ve won the colouring competition for that month. What if you don’t become the winner of the month? not to worry, everyone who coloured along will receive a small gift for their effort, and luckily, you can colour as many times as you like! If your email from the Mayor says that you are indeed the lucky winner, you’ll receive the fantastic KidZcity prize package containing a KidZcity cap, lots of toys, sweets, KidZcity pens in all colours of the rainbow, 4 free tickets, and coffee and ice cream vouchers. But the best part is that your colouring page will be hung on the “Wall-of-Fame” at KidZcity. That way, everyone who comes to play at KidZcity can admire your beautiful colouring page, and they’ll see how well you can colour! Keep an eye on our website, Facebook, or Instagram because each month, we’ll announce the new winner on our socials. Do you want to colour along with our colouring competition and have a chance to win a fantastic prize package? Download your KidZcity colouring page now and get colouring!

And the winners of 2024 (so far) are…

January Maud from Terschuur

February Jonathan from Den Helder

March Maria from Leusden








