Laser tag in KidZcity: how does it work?

Laser tag may just be the most popular attraction in all of KidZcity. Sometimes it seems like some of you come just for the laser tag. Are you not yet familiar with laser tag at KidZcity? We’ll explain exactly how it works right here. So, you’ll know exactly what to do during your visit!

Laser tag in KidZcity: how does it work?

Laser tag, what is it exactly?

Are you up for adventure and action? Discover the exciting world of laser tag! Here, you become the hero you’ve always wanted to be. Whether it’s Batman, Wonder Woman, Robin Hood, the Hulk, Spiderman, Harley Quinn, Wolverine, or Black Widow. With a whopping 15 superheroes to choose from, you can dive into an epic battle as your favourite character!

Each laser tag duel lasts 5 minutes. In those 5 minutes, you earn points by shooting your opponents. But don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt! Laser tag works with a laser gun and a laser vest that catches all the beams. The laser vest also indicates when you’ve been hit by someone. With the laser gun, you can try to shoot your opponent yourself (it’s a solo game, so everyone plays for themselves). All of this takes place in a space with all sorts of hiding places, crazy holes in walls to shoot through, blacklight paint, and thrilling music. Laser tag is suitable for children from 5 years old. But even some younger cool kids that fit in the laser vest can already play (although mum or dad may have to help). You don’t have to worry about safety, the laser beams are not harmful to the eyes.

Once you’ve been eliminated, you have 5 seconds to rethink your strategy and quickly find a better hiding spot before joining the action again. And action is guaranteed during laser tag.

You are standing alone against the others, and the one with the most points (the one who hit the most opponents, and gets hit the least) is the winner. So, you don’t play in teams against each other, although you can choose not to shoot at your friends if you want.

How laser tag works at KidZcity

As soon as you enter, you’ll watch an instructional video in our mini-cinema, then you can choose your heroic outfit. Press the yellow button on your gun to unlock the laser and pull the trigger to shoot at the lights of your opponents. Collect as many points as possible and prove that you’re the ultimate champion!

Attention! Before you know it, your vest will indicate that the duel is over. Then you can check the score on the TV screen outside the arena. 5 minutes have never flown by so quickly! Make sure that before you check your score, you securely attach the gun back to your suit and hang the suit neatly at the right number.

Are you ready for another round? Show off your skills, improve your score, and most importantly, have lots of fun with your friends! There’s always room for another round of laser tag, and another, and another... who knows, maybe you’ll beat the high score: a legendary 9550 points!

Laser tag at KidZcity in Brief

  • Laser tag in Utrecht for kids up to 11 years old (Parent are allowed to join as well 😉)
  • With laser vest and laser gun
  • Play as your favourite superhero
  • Games last 5 minutes
  • Not in teams, but solo playing
  • Most points wins
  • Hit? 5 seconds penalty
  • Safe (lasers are not dangerous for skin and eyes)
  • Play as many games as you want (but join the back of the queue)
  • Included in the entrance fee, so no additional costs.

This is What Others Say About Laser tag

And when we say that laser tag is the most popular attraction at KidZcity, we’re not exaggerating. Just take a look at what others are saying, like Dylan, who came to KidZcity for a laser tag birthday party. His answer to the question, “what’s the best attraction?” didn’t take long: “laser tag, we played six games! It was so much fun. Sometimes just with our party, but also with other kids joining in. I won twice!” Read here about all of Dylan’s and his party’s favourite attractions.

And laser tag isn’t just for boys, as proven by Glandice’s (9 years old) birthday party. Screaming, we get an answer to the favourite attraction question. “Laser tag, because it cost a lot of money at my party, but here you can do it over and over again and it’s free.” Another agrees; “Yesss, and we played a competition against the boys and we won!”

Want to see which attractions are also favourites? Then read on here.